Friday, November 25, 2005


Lots of things to be thankful for this year. Yesterday was a quiet, pleasant day.

Gordon Hunt lived across the street in New York. It was fun having someone with the same last name! He shared family occasions with us. His Thanksgiving and Christmas offering was a marvellous fresh cranberry relish. It became our own family tradition. Of course, over the years, it has been adapted, but it is still "Gordon's Cranberry Relish", and the holiday isn't the same without it.

Gordon's Cranberry Relish

1 package fresh cranberries
1 whole orange, rind and all (wash the orange)
1/2 cup pecans

Chop the pecans, reserve them. Chop the orange in the food processor until fine, then add the cranberries a few at a time until they are all chopped. Then add the pecans to mix. It is ready to serve.

This is good on in so many ways:
  • as a garnish on turkey, chicken or pork,
  • in baked yams (not candied ones, just baked in the oven, popped open, sprinkled with salt and pepper then a tablespoon of this dropped in,
  • as a winter fruit serving,
    and my latest adventure,
  • Cranberry Orange Oatmeal Cookies!

Made those yesterday evening, and they turned out beautifully. A very lacy crisp cookie. Will try again today, after I get the body done on the commission sweater, and will come back to give you the recipe. Mom, I think you would say it is a tea cookie.

1 comment:

Serena said...

And it's TONS better than that rotten canned cranberry jelly stuff!