Wednesday, June 07, 2006


You know, there is something about packing books. And packing books. One keeps doing it, and the bookcases don't seem to appreciably empty! Well, they do, but it takes a LOT of boxes to empty a bookcase.

I don't remember counting the number of book boxes the last two moves. So, the last firm number of boxes of books for the family was 63 in 1987, and that included children books and Howard's office books. Now you realize that the children are out of the house, they are adults! We got rid of books before we moved this last time. Howard's office books are not being moved at this point. And I have 20 FREAKING PAPER BOXES FULL OF BOOKS SO FAR AND I HAVEN'T MADE A DENT IN THE BOOKS! In fact, I have 6 bookcases left to go! That doesn't count the books that are scattered around the house that aren't IN bookcases.

When I say paper boxes, I mean the ones that reams of paper come in.


Serena said...

Hey, I think I had 16 boxes the last time I moved, and those were just MY books!

wheezeybouncer said...

books, books, books, books............

and i have some at my mams waiting too... i'll keep them for now shall i? i'm still trying to complete the collection!