Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy 92nd Birthday to my Dad yesterday!

High School Graduation
College Graduation
Undated -- 1950s?


He's seen a lot of changes in his lifetime! He went to school with his siblings in a wagon pulled by a horse. His circuit riding minister father bought the first Model T in the county to make going between charges easier. He worked his way through the last year in high school, all of college and seminary. To pay his way, he was a migrant worker in the summers, harvesting crops and saving his money for the next school year.

He served churches in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and Utah before taking early retirement because of a massive stroke.

Dad race-walked "just for fun" and just recently hung up his racing shoes. It wasn't nearly as much fun when he wasn't winning! The senior division has too broad of a range, from 65 on up -- he can't compete with them! But he was named Jefferson County Racewalker of the Month while he was competing.

Here's to the man with a wicked sense of humor, who's never given up.

Love you Dad!


Pooch said...

God bless your Dad! You are so fortunate that he has been blessed with longevity. Your tribute to him is lovely.


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad, you gave him a loving tribute.God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your Dad!