Monday, October 22, 2007


This hasn't been an easy trip. The other day I walked down the road where Serena lives. I love to do that, there is always something new to see and sometimes it helps me gain perspective. It had already snowed once while I was here, and the ground looked pretty desolate up at this desolation. Yet I saw these bright yellow flowers blooming despite the chill.

If you look closely, there are tiny white flowers in this picture. Despite all of the odds against it, they are still blooming where they are.

And of course, my favorite scene while I am here, trees growing out of rocks. If I had gotten any further back to get the whole tree, I would have dropped off the side of the road and slid down uncomfortably! But this tree has certainly endured a lot to continue to grow where it happened to be.

Smaller trees growing despite all logic. They found just enough to start growing and have continued to grow.

One of Tamora Pierce's books calls trees "Rock Breakers." To grow, they force the rock apart. Takes a lot of steady pressure to do that!

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