I can't believe it has been so long since I posted!
Justin has turned one. Hard to believe that it has been a year! These two pictures were taken about 11 months apart - he has changed a lot in that time! The sweater is the same, the modified Hanne Falkenberg Tutti-Frutti that I knit for him. I don't know if he'll be able to wear it much longer!
I finished the Hanne Falkenberg Plisse Monday. Pictures to come soon, I hope.
Howard and I have both changed jobs as our employers cut hours more and more because of the economy. Just couldn't afford to continue, even though we liked the jobs. We are both enjoying the new jobs. We are working opposing schedules, Howard works nights and I work days/swing. We cherish the few hours we see each other. After all that happened last year, I find that I have very low energy levels. I'm recovering, but it has been a haul.
Yesterday was a bad accessory day. I guess. That's the best way I can think to describe it. I lost my pedometer, my sunglasses, the stick on my shawl pin and broke an earring. Hello? What in the world did I do wrong yesterday? On the drive back to the house I was praying that I wouldn't break my glasses to finish the day! I did bang them and need to get them adjusted, but no break. Whew!
My dad was hospitalized over a week ago with a stroke. He was released Wednesday night to a rehab facility.
You may be suprised with the jumper. Sian and Beth can STILL wear theirs!
What a little sweetie he is becoming and the sweater is wonderful.
Arlene in Toronto
He is sooooo cute! That grin is adorable!
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