Friday, November 12, 2004

Oops, Friday!

I realize that someone checks daily to see if I've written, and I kind of apologize. I'll try to do better.

Got a call last night about 10:30 that Audrey's mother had died. That is 2 in a week for the church.

Right now it is 32 and cool. My feet say COLD!

Not a lot going on today, 7 loads of laundry yesterday, and a general malaise.

I'll forward Rachel's most recent post to Serena.

Does this make you think of going to the necessary? Does me!

Mary who really likes this smiley! or is it the ability to add these?

1 comment:

Serena said...

Hope you're a little warmer today. It's supposed to be in the high 50s today. We'll see.

Love you!