Wednesday, August 09, 2006

New Home?

Well, it looks as if we have found a place we can move to soon. Waiting on the final information to be sure, but we viewed it today, and all seems to be in place. It is smaller than this house -- 3 bedrooms instead of the current 4 with everything on one floor -- but it is much better insulated, and DOESN'T HAVE ANY MOLD! That alone should make my lungs happier! Although my body will miss the exercise of going up and down the stairs several times a day! There seems to be enough room at first glance to accomodate all the bookcases, which is a plus!

One thought is to finally decree that some of the metal bookcases that have been with us so long be formally retired and Howard build new ones. We'll see. That may be just too much to do AND move. Maybe we can move, then build the bookcases!

My sister and her husband moved today. Serena moves next week. Now us. Something is in the wind!

I have started packing seriously again. I got discouraged when it seemed that there was nothing on the house front, and I was frustrated with not being able to get a book that was packed. Not to mention some of the kitchen stuff that I packed thinking it wouldn't be very long. HAH! You know the stuff you don't use often? As soon as it is packed away it is NECESSARY! I refuse to unpack, though, until we are moved. That way is too dangerous.

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