Sunday, May 29, 2005

Ah, Morning!

I don't know about you, but I'm not really a morning person! I just poured the boiling water into my mug, waited the 3 minutes for it to steep, got ready to remove the tea, and realized that I'd been marching in place (exercise, don't you know) for hot water -- I'd forgotten to put any tea in. So I put tea in the toby -- tea bags seem to start a migraine these days -- dropped it in, and started again. Good grief!

At least I was able to watch the planning of the squirrels against the bird feeder. This has been an ongoing assault that Howard has successfully foiled for some time. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the current outpost as it has stood for some months. It has withstood squirrels landing on it and hasn't dropped to the ground as has happened to previous encarnations. Alas, it has created somewhat of a "me or the squirrels" mentality with my beloved. The same with the simple suet feeder in one of the other trees in the yard. Lest you chide him and point out that squirrels also need to be fed in winter, let me point out that he puts out squirrel food for them too. He resents it when the encroach upon the bird food. He REALLY resents when the squirrels pull down the bird feeders so they can get more of that yummy stuff. Enough so that he has been known to go outside when it is really really cold outside, mumbling rude things under his breath, and continue his campaign against the squirrels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, so you are jogging and making tea at the same time.....trying to save time, so you can knit more???:-) Big hugs Helle, Denmark