Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's DONE!

The Sleeves in Your Pi for Caroline is DONE! Sadly, it didn't take that much to finish it. I just needed to sit my tush down and apply myself. I'll take it to the post office tomorrow, and it will be on its way back to her, ready for her to wear it this fall. She had done the body, but came to a mental block on the sleeves. I'd started them in January, but then had all the problems with the migraines, and just couldn't bring myself to pick it back up again. So the poor thing sat there in the living room, reproaching me. Sunday, I picked it up with the understanding I was going to keep at it until done. Sure didn't take too long! mental blocks sure are a pain!

Two knitters came over this evening for just a bit, and stayed 3 hours. In that time, one divided her sweater for the underarms and v-neck, and learned to do a SSK while the other kept working at her scarf. Both are getting so much better at reading their knitting. Dora's sweater has divided for the underarms and is moving on up. So progress on that as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mary! -Alison in Palo Alto