Thursday, November 03, 2005

oh my

Today, after several days of 70 degree weather, it has started to cool off. Murphy's law, the new air conditioner is being installed, and the basement door is open and the furnace has been turned off. For some strange reason, the house has steadily cooled off. As he left tonight, the guy said that unfortunately the furnace wouldn't be running tonight either! I see comforters on our beds tonight!

The commission sweater has been put in the mail, thanks to my sweet, ever patient husband! Whee!

I've started the next project. This is obviously the wrong size of needles for I'm going to have to frog and start over, but I love the colors! I'll try more pictures in other light, as there are more colors of blue and green in this. The yarn is from Margaret. I'm knitting it up for her. This color is Sea Cruise, and the yarn is a cotton/rayon with 700 yards per 8 ounce skein.

I had to have some help on winding the ball on the skein, one of the ends buried itself when I snipped the knot. I've never had that happen before. Absolutely bewildering! Clip the knot, and suddenly I had only one free end! That was certainly exciting! Especially as it was NOT the one which allowed me to wind the skein into a ball. I couldn't figure it out. Howard spent 3 minutes looking at the same skein, and started the skein. sigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was more like 5 minutes! Don't give credit that isn't due! Love you, H