Sunday, September 10, 2006

A tense spot in a DVD

We were watching "Sharpe's Challenge" last night on DVD, and BOY  did my gauge tighten up! LOL I looked down at one point to see that I was bending the needle on my size 0 doublepoint! It isn't bad, because it is the gusset on a sock, but could have been disastrous on something else! Um, I don't do suspense well. sigh

I highly recommend that series. I was first exposed to it on BBCAmerica. I liked it enough that we ordered the complete set (at a discount, NOT  full price!) nor as a boxed set but as the individual tapes of the Sharpe's series. We'd started getting them via Netflix, but I wanted to watch them more than once or twice. They are great for simple knitting, I can watch and get a lot knit in a session. Hopefully there won't be too many instances of bending needles!

Something else I want to buy fairly soon is the edition of "Pride and Prejudice" with Colin Firth. That one was a delight to sit and knit through. Honestly, I usually prefer to listen to books when I knit, as I can then use my eyes to pay attention to the knitting. We actually had very few DVDs, I doubled our number when I purchased the Sharpe DVDs. BUT, sometimes it is nice to have the visual affects, as opposed to creating the setting in my mind.

Still dealing with mold almost throughout the house. Howard didn't bring home the laptop, so I come to the computer for a short while, then go back to our bedroom with the wonderful air purifier. I'm hoping it will settle soon!

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