We're back after spending Thanksgiving with Nathan and Kim. (I know that it is supposed to be Kim and Nathan, but since he is our son, I find myself putting it the other way around. Pffftpppttt.) We had a great time, we brought up a turkey I could eat, and Nathan smoked it. It was so good! Yesterday he had to work, but Kim, Howard and I brought lunch to him, and ate with him.
Yummmmm, Panera's! I wish Panera's was closer than a half hour away for us! As it is, we occasionally pick up a supply when in the area. Since I can't eat any of the bread in town without getting sick, it is a treat to get some I
can eat.
Not sure what is going on, my tongue started to swell again. It has become a nuisance. If I don't get it figured out shortly, I'm going to have to cave in and go visit our friendly doctor. I know it is an allergic reaction, but to
WHAT! Started Wednesday, and it keeps happening, although I have dropped more and more things from the diet. If I don't take medicine for it, I sound quite drunk. Luckily, it isn't enough to send me back to the Emergency Room.
Stopped into a yarn store in St. Cloud, and had a terrible time deciding what to buy. She had a lot of scarf/fancy yarns as well as Brown Sheep. I finally got a skein of red and one of grey for the Red Scarf Project and some magazines. Just couldn't make up my mind. Kim and Howard kindly waited patiently for me (Howard had a wonderful time checking out the buttons, he especially liked the sheep one that looked a bit like Shaun the Sheep from the Wallace and Grommit movie.) Two legs hanging down (they looked as if they would wiggle, but didn't.) He was making suggestions to Kim about which uses she could find for the various buttons. We didn't buy any, though I was tempted.
Between the drive up and Thursday, I finished the red scarf. I'll wash and block it, then post a picture. I had forgotten how
LONG it takes to knit 72" of a scarf! By the end, I was quite fed up with it. Why I started a second is beyond me. Oh wait, I was out of knitting that was interesting to me at the moment up there. Lack of knitting will do that to me! I was desperate to knit on something other than what I'd brought, and a second scarf seemed to fit the bill. Of course, I'm floundering with what pattern to use. Right now I'm knitting it with a baby cable and stripes every so often. I'm not sure the stripes are a good idea, but I'm not sure there will be enough yarn. Maybe I should frog again and do it in a rib... And then again, it is time to start Kim's Mermaid. The great thing about knitting, we can find things to distract us, can't we!