Saturday, June 09, 2007

Dye Days

Well, I redyed the yarn, and I like it a lot more. The color is somewhat dark for summer, but much more flattering for my skin. When I took it out of the pot, there was still quite a bit of dye left behind in the pot. What to do, I hated to waste it! I suddenly remembered the cashmere/silk turtleneck I'd purchased online, so I didn't see it before I bought it. The color was a dark brown, but a cool brown. I'd planned to overdye it, but was still trying to decide what warm color to use. Bingo! The sweater is now a beautiful warm brown, much nicer for my skin tones. I forgot to take a before picture of the sweater, so there wasn't any point in taking an after picture! I should take an after picture of the yarn for you, but I stepped on the broken side of the foot while I was dyeing and it has complained ever since. So, please accept that the skein of yarn is pretty close in color to the swatch I'd dyed earlier.

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