Saturday, February 12, 2005


We had FUN! The class started off with 1 high school girl, one elementary school girl and her mother, a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, the 4-H person. After lunch, another high school girl joined us. It has been decided that this group is coming back in 2 weeks, with the other group, and will progress. Almost everyone wants to start a sweater for themselves -- after knitting one day! I'm so proud of them! Our youngest is going to knit a purse, she thinks, the thought of a sweater is overwhelming.

This was a group which showed that all ages can come together and learn. And laugh. There was a LOT of laughter today.

My thought had been that I'd teach everyone to knit continental (yarn in the left hand.) Not a chance. There are going to be 2 that do that, the others hold the yarn in various ways in the right hand. They each knit until they were comfortable, then switched to purling. When that came easily, they started stockinette. All in the course of one day. I'm so proud!

I had a difficult time estimating the yarn to be needed, when the packaging doesn't give a CLUE about yardage. Sheesh! I'm going to have to find the manufacturers and complain for those 2 brands!

I'll try to post later with dollhouse pictures, but I'm going to go sit down for a while and REST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Wow sounds like the class went well - everyone learned and had fun. What more can ya want?

No class for me today - reschedule time!
