Saturday, October 14, 2006

The broken is replaced! Yay!

I forgot to mention that my Spin-Dizzy Shaft arrived today. It broke in the move -- my fault, but still a sad loss. She even had the same weight (2 grams) that I'd had before. No, I've not tested to see if the whorls fit, but I can adapt them so they will. Now I can get back to spinning the laceweight merino that Belinda sent me from Australia. I really ought to photograph this roving, it is beautiful! Shades of warm brown -- my colors. I don't know what my WPI are for this yarn, but it is the finest I've spun so far. I've also used my Anne Grout acorn spindle with this roving. I THINK that I prefer the Spin-Dizzy, just because. No really logical reason except that the acorn spindle needs to be anchored and the Spin-Dizzy doesn't. I TOLD you there wasn't a logical reason! grin I can use the acorn spindle to ply, I think. Or else I'll use my David Reed Smith Judi to ply it. Who knows. I suppose I can also use my wheel. As you can tell, I don't have enough spun up to THINK about plying.

I have lavender Zephyr on hand to start Marianne Kinzel's Rose of England. I really need to be off the prednisone before I start it though. It is a pattern I've wanted to knit, although in this color, perhaps it would be more appropriate to do Balmoral instead!

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